Where will the statue go?
In Fletcher Moss Park, Didsbury – Emily’s home, her garden and her inspiration.
We intend to put Emily Williamson's name back on the map, by making her garden a place of pilgrimage not only for RSPB members, but for budding environmental activists, eco-feminists and young people in search of inspiring role models. Education and engagement plays a crucial part in what we hope to achieve.
A statue of Emily Williamson will give a focal point to celebrating her legacy in many different ways, showing that one person can make a world of difference – then and today.
Four shortlisted entries unveiled!
Fletcher Moss Park, Didsbury, 1 July 2021

In 2019, Fletcher Moss Park won a ‘UK’s Best Loved Park’ award from Fields in Trust. With its education centre, family nature activities and buzzing Alpine Café, it has become a destination park. But it's also a place of quiet and contemplation within a busy city.
Following a public consultation the location of the statue has been decided. It will be on the Alpine Terrace near Emily's home and overlooking the Alpine Gardens she created with her husband.
December 2020: Competition launched
February 2021: Shortlist announced
1 July 2021: Four maquettes unveiled, Centenary of Plumage Act
Summer 2021: Maquettes tour RSPB reserves
November 2021: Emily Williamson Festival, Manchester Art Gallery
13 November 2021: Winning sculptor announced: Eve Shepherd
2022: First limited edition maquettes sold
2023-2025: Fundraising push
Andrew Simcock (Chair) and Tessa Boase (Engagement Lead) met in July 2019 at the unveiling of Emily Williamson’s crowd-funded plaque in Fletcher Moss Park. Both had the same idea: why not a statue?
Tessa is a Sussex-based journalist and social historian, whose book Etta Lemon – The Woman Who Saved the Birds uncovers the story of the women who founded the RSPB. ‘When I started researching the RSPB’s surprising eco-feminist roots it was very difficult to discover anything about Emily Williamson. Now she is getting the acclaim that she deserves – while inspiring the next generation to take action for nature.’
Andrew led the campaign to bring a statue of Emmeline Pankhurst to the centre of Manchester (pictured below). A Manchester City Councillor who has represented Didsbury East since 2011, he’s a strong believer in the power of community. ‘We hope that thousands of members of the RSPB and other members of the public will give us their views.’

Melissa Bateson is a Professor of Ethology at Newcastle University with a specialism in starling behaviour.
She is also Emily Williamson’s great, great niece.
'It was an extraordinary coincidence for me to discover that I’m descended from the woman who founded the RSPB, as I have loved birds since I was a small child. As a woman involved in the scientific study of birds, I feel a very strong connection with Emily and am hugely proud of what she managed to achieve and the legacy she has left.’

Beccy Speight joined the RSPB as its new CEO in 2019 with the rallying cry: ‘Let’s knuckle down and make the difference we need to make, together. If not now, then when? If not us, then who?'
She’s confident that this commemorative statue 'will inspire a new generation willing to protect nature and revive our world.'
BBC wildlife presenter Gillian Burke has a background in biology and natural history – which fits with Emily's maternal family, the Batesons. 'I'm a storyteller,' she says. 'I love championing the outcasts, the misunderstood, the overlooked, the unseen and unheard. Whether it's in the natural or human world, I am fascinated with the universal themes of struggle and loss, defeat and victory, endurance and resilience, the light and shade of being alive. This is where my passion for science and storytelling reside.' Gillian lives in Cornwall with her family.

Alan Hill, who died in 2022, was the inspiration behind our campaign for a statue of Emily Williamson. Alan helped set up the Friends of Fletcher Moss Park in 2006 to encourage active volunteering in the gardens. ‘Promoting habitats for wildlife is now a significant part of our activities,' he claimed proudly; ' – looking after our birds, bees, butterflies, insects, and small mammals.’ Alan was also the galvanising force behind the 2018 crowd-funding campaign for an Emily Williamson plaque on The Croft. 'She lived here for 30 years, but so few people know about her.’ The statue will be a fitting memorial this warm and inspiring man who loved nature, and loved his community.
Abby Robinson has been visiting Fletcher Moss Park since she was a child. The South Manchester born TV journalist believes in the power of birds 'to inject a little magic and hope when all seems bleak. Emily Williamson fought for those winged creatures when so many saw them as fashion accessories and nothing more. She not only recognised their beauty and their charm, but their right to life, and now she deserves our recognition, too.'

Amanda Wallace is deputy director of Manchester Art Gallery.
We're grateful to have her unique perspective on the statue selection committee, reminding us that this bronze of Emily Williamson must have longevity as well as contemporary appeal and artistic merit. Amanda can often be found in Fletcher Moss Park walking her whippet and Manchester terrier.