Grab a cup of tea and join us online on FRIDAY 21 APRIL 7PM for the first EMILY WILLIAMSON TEA PARTY – a virtual event featuring unexpected stories about the RSPB's female founders, birding in big cities, and the art of public sculpture.
Meet three experts in their fields:
Social historian Tessa Boase
Award-winning sculptor Eve Shepherd
Hear how David became London's most unlikely birder.
Tessa tells the truth about the Victorian plumage trade and 'murderous millinery'.
See inside Eve's studio and discover the avian secrets hidden in the Emily Williamson statue.

Why a tea party?
When Emily Williamson founded her Society for the Protection of Birds, she did it with a tea party. Back in 1889, women couldn't hire a public meeting space, so some of the most radical ideas of the day were thrashed out around teacups.
To honour Emily's memory, we're reviving her tea party. A virtual tea party. Everyone's invited – all you need is a cup of tea (or something stronger).
Join us on Friday 21 April, 7-8pm
Click here to register & for more event information. FREE webinar hosted by the RSPB.