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Emily's virtual tea party: join us this Friday, 7pm


Are you coming?

Grab a cup of tea and zoom in to the first Emily Williamson Tea Party – the place where ideas take flight.

Friday 21 April, 7-8pm

FREE EVENT hosted by the RSPB.

Hear HIDDEN STORIES from three different voices:

'The Urban Birder' David Lindo on his unique journey, why we need to re-bird our cities – and how you can help.

Social historian Tessa Boase on the terrible truth behind the Victorian plumage trade – and how a handful of brave women pushed back.

Sculptor Eve Shepherd on the avian secrets hidden in the Emily Williamson statue – and how she came up with the winning design.

Emily Williamson founded the Society for the Protection of Birds around teacups at her Didsbury home in 1889. We're reviving Emily's historic tea party as a space to explore today's urgent stories and issues. Everyone's invited.

FREE event; all donations to our statue campaign are welcome. We've hit £20,000 – and all down to our many generous supporters. THANK YOU!

For those who can't make it to Friday's live event, we'll be sharing a recording next week.



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