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Emily goes on tour through RSPB reserves – August to October


Updated: Oct 6, 2021

Our four shortlisted bronze 'maquettes' are going on the road this summer and into autumn with indefatigable Campaign Chair Andrew Simcock, making stops at some of Britain's most iconic spots for birdwatching – once spots targeted by 19th-century plumage trade hunters to feed the millinery industry. These wonderful wildlife reserves are Emily Williamson's most enduring legacy. We'd love to see you there! Check out the dates below for a chance to inspect our beautiful sculptures for yourself. Andrew will be sharing Emily Williamson's inspiring story, handing out activity booklets, and asking you to cast your vote by 31 October 2021.


MON 9 AUGUST Bempton Cliffs, Yorkshire.

THURS 12 AUGUST Saltholme, Middlesbrough

TUES 17 AUGUST The Lodge Nature Reserve & Gardens, Sandy, Bedfordshire

THURS 19 AUGUST Dungeness, Kent

TUES 24 AUGUST Minsmere, Suffolk

THURS 26 AUGUST Titchwell Marsh, Norfolk

WEDS 8 SEPTEMBER Leighton Moss, Lancashire (Emily's birthplace)

TUES 14 SEPTEMBER South Stacks, Anglesey, Wales

FRI 8 OCTOBER Loch Leven, Perth, Scotland

SUN 10 OCTOBER Belfast Window on Wildlife, Northern Ireland

SAT30 OCTOBER - SUNDAY 14 NOVEMBER Manchester Art Gallery together with portraits, 12-14 NOVEMBER The 1st Emily Williamson Festival: Joining the dots between Conservation, Campaigning, Science & Art with Manchester's most dynamic change-makers. TICKETS ON SALE NOW

Clockwise from top left: Billie Bond, Laury Dizengremel, Clare Abbatt and Eve Shepherd.

For more on their designs, and further images, click here.


1 comentário

J Grier
J Grier
07 de ago. de 2021

All the statue designs are wonderful, it was so hard to choose. I hope the three maquettes that aren't chosen will still be displayed somewhere at the park, perhaps in the cafe?

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