The four Emily maquettes made their first sea crossing to Holy Island in Anglesey on a glorious day in late September. This dramatic South Stack Cliffs RSPB reserve is the place to spot swooping choughs, guillemot, razorbill and passing shearwaters – plus, if you’re lucky, dolphins or porpoises plunging through the waves below. Visitors were surprised to also spot four bronze maquettes of the RSPB's founder.

Sculptor Eve Shepherd joined Campaign Chair Andrew Simcock for the day, fresh from visiting Castle Fine Art foundry in Powys where her monument to Betty Campbell was receiving its finishing touches (unveiled in Cardiff on September 29).

As well as the fabulous weather and scenery at South Stack, Eve and Andrew enjoyed chatting to many intrigued and intriguing visitors. Lily, visiting from Mexico, talked at length with Eve about the use of feathers in the headdresses of America’s indigenous peoples.
Paul and Sue Jackson from Lymm, Cheshire, were fascinated to learn more about the statue making process. And Rachel Taylor, Science Lead for Wales at the British Trust for Ornithology, was delighted that this eco pioneer was finally being given the recognition she deserves.
HAVE YOU VOTED YET? Closing date: 14 November 12pm; winner announced same day, Manchester Art Gallery, 4pm.
Next stop: RSPB Loch Leven in Perth, Scotland, Friday 8 October.
NEWS FLASH: The Emily Williamson Festival is LIVE!
Manchester Art Gallery, 12-14 November 2021. Over one weekend, Manchester's most dynamic change-makers are joining forces to explore the links between Conservation, Campaigning Science and Art. Six events, 24 speakers, tickets £8/£6. From ethical fashion to re-wilding, eco anxiety to the meaning of birdsong, eco graffiti to campaigning toolkits...
Follow in Emily's footsteps. Celebrate her legacy. Be in the room where ideas take flight.
Photos by Andrew Simcock (puffin excepted - these are spring/early summer visitors!).