If you're lucky enough to live in or near leafy Didsbury, Manchester, pop along to The Old Parsonage tomorrow (Sat 1 July) to hear a brand-new sequence of poems inspired by eco-feminist Emily Williamson.
Acclaimed poet Sarah-Clare Conlon will be premiering work inspired by legendary Didsbury resident Emily Williamson, co-founder of the RSPB. Join her on a virtual wander around Fletcher Moss Park, Stenner Woods and Parsonage Gardens, looking up into the trees and listening to the birds from the comfort of your chairs.
Intrigued by Emily's heroic battle to save the birds from 'murderous millinery', Sarah-Clare wrote the poems especially for Didsbury Arts Festival, which is currently underway. The event is called "Flight Patterns", and takes place at The Old Parsonage (near The Croft) at 2pm on Saturday 1 July.
Meanwhile, our Emily bronze maquette is about to set off on a July tour of eight RSPB reserves across six Eastern counties. Stay tuned to hear more details about the epic, 400 mile fundraising bike ride undertaken by our campaign chair Andrew Simcock.
Go Andrew!

Fundraising stands at £20,317. Please share, donate, spread the word. Let's make this statue happen - and focus national debate on the pressing need to fight for our birdlife and biodiversity. https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/emilywilliamsonrspb